Infinity Corrosion Group, Inc.™ (ICG) offers a wide range of Corrosion Engineering services, specializing in Condition Assessments, Corrosion Surveys, Cathodic Protection, Protective Coatings and Linings, and Materials Selection. Our staff includes a NACE Cathodic Protection Specialist and a NACE Certified Coating Inspector. We work directly with Owners and Engineers to develop innovative and effective corrosion control solutions.

ICG Mission
Infinity Corrosion is an engineering firm dedicated to providing corrosion control services to the water, wastewater, energy, oil and gas, construction, industrial, government, and transportation industries. ICG specializes in cathodic protection, corrosion assessments, and protective coatings and linings.
Our vision is to serve our clients with energy, integrity, and innovation. Our goal is to provide our clients with practical and effective approaches for preservation and maintenance of assets to assure public safety, long-term performance, and reliability. We take pride in working with our clients to provide solutions based on their needs and in building relationships that allow us to work closely with all levels of their organization.
The effects of stray currents produced by DC powered Light Rail Transit (LRT) systems on nearby underground pipelines have been studied extensively due to significant interference and pipeline failures associated with stray currents. Determining which pipelines are at an increased risk for stray current corrosion is commonly evaluated by measuring “snapshots” of pipe-to-soil potentials and comparing values to established cathodic protection criteria. Due to the dynamic nature of LRT systems, the value of this data is limited because it does not provide a long-term representation of pipeline conditions. [...]
In October, 2019, ICG presented at the AWWA conference in Sun Valley, ID. Their presentation highlighted how above ground survey techniques like CIS and ACVG can be used by Operators to more accurately identify anomalies and coating defects along a pipeline. They also discussed how risk analysis may be used to prioritize high risk lines once similar data is available across a pipeline system.
For more information about above ground survey techniques, such as Close Interval Survey (CIS), click Learn More.
There are 170,000 public drinking water systems in the U.S. which includes over 1,000,000 miles of water pipelines. It is estimated 240,000 water breaks occur per year. In the 2017 ASCE Report Card for America's Infrastructure, water systems receive "D" Grade - Significantly Strong Risk of Failure.
In October 2017, Erik gave a presentation at the APWA Fall Conference and Storm Water Expo focusing on Assessing Corrosion Risks on Water Pipelines and Evaluating Mitigation Alternatives. Click below to learn more about Erik's presentation and corrosion in our water infrastructure.

For any inquiries, questions, or to find out how we can help with your corrosion needs, please call: 435.214.7375 or fill out the following form.